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Previously Taught Undergraduate Course
BIOL 213 - Molecular Cell Biology
3 credits - Spring semester

Course Description: This course explores the molecular basis of cell structure, function, and evolution; gene regulation, cell division cycle, cancer, immunity, differentiation, multicellularity, and photosynthesis. Students may not take concurrently with or after the completion of, BIOL 413. Prerequisites: BIOL 112; CHEM 227 or concurrent enrollment.



Currently Taught Graduate Courses
BIOL 609 - Molecular Tools Biology
3 credits - Fall semester

Course Description: This is an interactive graduate lecture course in molecular biology for beginning graduate students; introduction to tools and methodologies used in prokaryotic and eukaryotic molecular labs; choosing the appropriate experimental technique for a given scientific question; virtual experiments will reinforce the applications and introduce useful bioinformatics tools.

BIOL 651 Bioinformatics
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours. Introduction to applications related to information processing in biological research with practical training exercises; includes internet databases, sequence alignment, motif prediction, gene and promoter prediction, phylogenetic analysis, protein structure classification, analysis and prediction, genome annotation, assembly and comparative analysis, and proteomics analysis. Prerequisite: Graduate classification or approval of instructor.

Menet lab, BSBW 301, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX77843-3258

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